托羅尼 的 酒店格價資訊



」的住宿及訂房資訊 (目前位於57/150頁)





  1. 夢幻棕櫚灘酒店-可選全包

    • Playas Cabeza De Toro, 卡貝薩托羅, 蓬塔卡納, 多明尼加共和國, 23000
    • 夢幻棕櫚灘酒店-可選全包夢幻棕櫚灘酒店-可選全包是拜訪蓬塔卡納的旅客的明智選擇,能夠提供輕鬆無憂的住宿體驗。入住夢幻棕櫚灘酒店-可選全包,享受頂級的服務和備品吧! 住宿期間可使用免費Wi-Fi,和親朋好友保持聯絡。 度假村提供租車等服務,探索蓬塔卡納更便利! 住客可在度假村免費停車。前台提供保險箱、行李寄放服務和禮賓服務等多項服務,可滿足您入住期間的任何住宿、交通需求。 度假村提供旅遊行程和票券代售服務等服務,協助您預訂票券,及人氣餐廳訂位。 冷冷的天,就讓度假村的壁爐為您暖暖身子吧! 夢幻棕櫚灘酒店-可選全包提供洗衣服務,喜歡的衣服可以穿不停!什麼都不想做?充分利用客房送餐服務和每日客房清潔等便利服務,讓您盡享夢幻棕櫚灘酒店-可選全包的住宿時光。 出門才發現有東西忘了帶?沒關係,去便利商店就能買到。 敬請知悉,為了保持住宿內空氣清新,度假村內禁止吸菸。 客人僅可在度假村提供的指定吸菸區吸菸。夢幻棕櫚灘酒店-可選全包的每間客房都有家具和備品。 為了住客著想,度假村的部分客房提供空調和送洗服務。 夢幻棕櫚灘酒店-可選全包的部分客房有特色設計如陽台或露台。 這間度假村的部分精選房型提供一流的娛樂設施供住客使用,如電視和有線電視。這間度假村的部分客房提供住客即溶茶、瓶裝水、咖啡機或茶壺和迷你吧。 浴室設施也非常重要,這間度假村的部分客房浴室提供浴巾、吹風機、浴袍和盥洗用品。餐飲和活動住在夢幻棕櫚灘酒店-可選全包,每天早上都可以享用美味的免費早餐。 度假村裡的咖啡廳讓您一早就能品嚐熱騰騰的好咖啡。 度假就別煩惱吃什麼了!住宿附設餐廳給您最方便又美味的選擇。 入住這裡,千萬別錯過賭場、夜店、卡啦OK和酒吧等夜生活娛樂。夢幻棕櫚灘酒店-可選全包提供超讚的休閒娛樂設施服務,供客人享受。 到了住宿,千萬別忘了去近在咫尺的海灘放鬆一下。 去熱水浴缸、蒸氣室、按摩、Spa、三溫暖和美容沙龍,完完全全放鬆身心。 在度假村的泳池休閒放鬆。在度假村的池畔酒吧,喝杯最愛的雞尾酒。 使用度假村的健身設施,假期也要保持好身材。 參加非機動式水上運動、風帆衝浪、潛水、機動式水上運動和浮潛等水上活動,既好玩又消暑。 住宿提供騎馬等運動及休閒娛樂。度假村設有網球場、桌球桌、瑜珈室和飛鏢靶,和其他住客一起享受運動的樂趣吧! 住宿設有公共休息區和電視區,和親朋好友共度歡樂時光! 住宿設有紀念品店和商店,方便您在旅行回家前,購入紀念品給自己留念或送給親朋好友。入住亮點這裡的房價比城市中93%的住宿更便宜。您會在這間住宿找到很棒的餐飲選擇,住客給予這間住宿或附近的餐飲評分高於城市中95%的住宿。根據入住旅客的評分,這間度假村的客房舒適度比蓬塔卡納96%的住宿更高。... 詳情
  2. 波爾托羅日機場公寓套房 - 70平方公尺/1間專用衛浴

    • 波爾托羅日機場, 勒塔利斯波爾弗洛茲, 斯洛維尼亞
    • Nestled in a peaceful habitat, Green Place Portoroz RC3 offers spacious accommodations with:- Complimentary WiFi & Free Parking- Stunning Garden View Rooms- Private Terrace & Airport Shuttle Service- Outdoor seating & BarbecueIf you are looking for a value for money property close to several attractions in Portoroz then this is your answer. This apartment features a large double bed and a sofa bed, which can accommodate 4 people. The entire apartment is fully furnished with a country décor theme and features a well-equipped kitchen overlooking a dining area. If you are a fan of the outdoors, then feel free to bask on the lounge chairs in the garden or enjoy a scrumptious meal in the outdoor BBQ with your family.... 詳情
  3. 蓬塔卡納鮮活典藏飯店

    • Cabeza de Toro La Altagracia, Punta Cana, 卡貝薩托羅, 蓬塔卡納, 多明尼加共和國, 23000
    • 蓬塔卡納鮮活典藏飯店蓬塔卡納鮮活典藏飯店是拜訪蓬塔卡納的旅客的明智選擇,能夠提供輕鬆無憂的住宿體驗。蓬塔卡納鮮活典藏飯店提供完善的設施服務,讓您享受無憂無慮的度假時光。 自駕前往的住客可在度假村別墅免費停車。 客房送餐服務、每日客房清潔和24小時客房送餐服務等客房服務讓您的懶人假期無比愉快。 如果缺了小東西,去度假村別墅的便利商店就能買到。餐飲和活動沒有什麼能比美味早餐更讓人期待早晨的到來,住在蓬塔卡納鮮活典藏飯店就能免費享用。 度假村別墅內提供各式各樣美味的餐飲供您選擇。 和旅伴在度假村別墅附設賭場和酒吧就能享受超high夜晚。 度假村別墅也設有共用廚房等方便您料理的地方。無論您尋找的是刺激冒險,還是只想在行程滿滿的一天之餘放鬆身心,蓬塔卡納鮮活典藏飯店提供的精彩活動都能滿足您的需求。 度假村別墅可直達海灘,入住期間隨時可以欣賞美麗海景。 去美容沙龍,為旅行畫上圓滿的句號。 在度假村別墅的池畔酒吧,點一杯酒精飲料,幫您放鬆身心。在住宿附設的紀念品店和商店挑選一些紀念品留念,或買些土產送給親朋好友。入住亮點這間住宿的設施評分比蓬塔卡納95%的住宿更高。這間度假村別墅十分乾淨,整潔度比城市中96%的住宿更高。根據旅客評分,客房非常舒適,評分比城市中96%的住宿更高。... 詳情
  4. 拉普斯迪亞飯店

    • Cuza voda no.4, 博托沙尼, 博托沙尼, 羅馬尼亞, 710095
    • 拉普斯迪亞飯店住宿提供完善的服務和備品,就是為了讓旅客有賓至如歸的感受。 住宿有免費網路可使用,在外住宿也不斷線。 入住日期之前,您都可以預約機場接駁服務,以方便您順利抵達/離開住宿。 住客可以免費停車。入住飯店,親切的前台人員可協助您辦理保險箱、行李寄放服務和禮賓服務等多項服務。 住宿提供旅遊行程等服務,可視您的需要,協助預訂附近的表演或旅遊相關票券。 入住拉普斯迪亞飯店,衣服髒了也無需擔心,因為這家飯店提供洗衣服務和乾洗服務,可為您清洗衣物。 享受客房送餐服務和每日客房清潔等客房服務,放鬆身心,躺著過假期。敬請知悉,為了保持住宿內空氣清新,飯店內禁止吸菸。 如果客人想吸菸,可前往指定吸菸區。餐飲和活動住在拉普斯迪亞飯店可享用現做早餐,一早就元氣滿滿。 住在飯店,每天用馥郁的咖啡給自己元氣。 如果懶得出去覓食,飯店內也提供美味餐飲選項。 住宿內設有酒吧,不用出門就能享受美好夜晚!您可以全天享受拉普斯迪亞飯店提供的豐富活動。 住宿設有商店,不用東奔西跑,就能購買補給品,或趕在旅行回家前,買些當地紀念品給自己留念或送給親朋好友。入住亮點住在這裡,房價比城市中95%的住宿更便宜。旅客給這間飯店的CP值評分比城市中95%的住宿更高。這裡的設施評分比城市中95%的住宿更高。... 詳情
  5. 卡托特蘇布羅托的2臥室 - 58平方公尺/1間專用衛浴

    • 卡托特蘇布羅托, 雅加達, 印尼
    • Feel the experience of staying at Tamansari Semanggi Apartment which is available to rent for daily, monthly, and yearly.This apartment unit provides 2 bed, Queen (160x200), Queen (160x200) covered with star-hotel quality linen, air conditioner (AC), television, free Wi-Fi access in room, toiletries, and kitchenware. For those of you who stay can also easily find 24-Hour Security, ATM On Site, Access Card, CCTV In Public Area, Car Park, Coffee Shop, Elevator, Restaurant, Shops, Swimming Pool.Balai Sarbini is 2.29km from the apartment.A full AC apartment unit. There is a sofa bed in the living room. There is balcony with a view. Each room of the apartment which consist of Kitchen, Living Room, Bathroom, Bedroom, Bedroom, Other has Modern design.... 詳情
  6. 卡托特蘇布羅托的2臥室 - 63平方公尺/1間專用衛浴

    • 卡托特蘇布羅托, 雅加達, 印尼
    • Offers a fascinating City View and Modern style, Tamansari Semanggi Apartment is located in Semanggi and 1.44 from Kedutaan Besar Rusia.This apartment unit is equipped with 3 bed, Queen (160x200), Single (100x200) covered with star-hotel quality linen, air conditioner (AC), television, free Wi-Fi access in room, toiletries, and kitchenware. You can access facilities 24-Hour Security, ATM On Site, Access Card, CCTV In Public Area, Coffee Shop, Elevator, Restaurant, Shops, Swimming Pool.The 62.54 sqm apartment room has Kitchen, Living Room, Bathroom, Bedroom, Bedroom, Other is a perfect choice to stay in Semanggi area. Cozy 2BR Apartment with Sofa Bed at Tamansari Semanggi By Travelio is available to rent for daily, monthly, and yearlyWashing machine is provided to make your daily chores easier. This residence is facilitated with a balcony where you can enjoy surrounding views. A full AC apartment unit. This apartment unit has Modern style This apartment unit is a premium residence. The bathroom is equipped with water heater. From the 27 floor, you can enjoy a stunning City View.... 詳情
  7. 卡托特蘇布羅托的1臥室 - 34平方公尺/1間專用衛浴

    • 卡托特蘇布羅托, 雅加達, 印尼
    • Feel the experience of staying at Tamansari Semanggi Apartment.This apartment unit provides 1 bed, Queen (160x200) covered with star-hotel quality linen, air conditioner (AC), television, free Wi-Fi access in room, toiletries, and kitchenware. For those of you who stay can also easily find 24-Hour Security, ATM On Site, Access Card, CCTV In Public Area, Coffee Shop, Elevator, Restaurant, Shops, Swimming Pool.Setiabudi One Building is 1.76 km from the apartment.Each room of the apartment which consist of Kitchen, Living Room, Bathroom, Bedroom, Other has Minimalist design. This residence is facilitated with a balcony where you can enjoy surrounding views.... 詳情
  8. Apartment Tamansari Semanggi

    • 卡托特蘇布羅托, 雅加達, 印尼
    • Studio 34 sqm semi-gross, located on 29th Floor.Within walking distance, my place is close to:- Malls (Plaza Semanggi, Lotte Shopping Avenue, Ambasador Mal, Kuningan City), Restaurants & Dinings- Business Places: CBD Mega kuningan, Gatot Subroto office area- Cinemas (XXI Holywood KC, XXI Lotte Shopping Avenue, XXI Kuningan CIty, Cinemaxx Plaza Semanggi)Other near places : Kuningan, Setiabudi, Kasablanka, Sudirman, Mampang and SCBD.Our place is good for solo traveller, couple, or business.... 詳情
  9. 庫寧安的1臥室 - 35平方公尺/1間專用衛浴

    • 卡托特蘇布羅托, 雅加達, 印尼
    • ... 詳情
  10. 卡托特蘇布羅托的1臥室 - 36平方公尺/1間專用衛浴

    • 卡托特蘇布羅托, 雅加達, 印尼
    • One of the apartment units in South Jakarta is suitable for those who look for a place to stay in the area of South Jakarta. Not only it is accessible through Bus Stop Trans Jakarta Gatot Subroto LIPI but also close to some business center in Jakarta such as Sudirman Center Business District and Mega Kuningan. Some of the shopping centers like Lotte Shopping Avenue and Plaza Semanggi are also near from here.This apartment building with one bedroom, a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom. The bedroom is furnished with one queen size bed. The living room is furnished with one television, a sofa for three people, and a dining table for two suitable for a place to gather with friends and family.The kitchen is furnished with a gas stove, rice cooker, refrigerator and kitchenware to make your stay easier. There also a shower along with toiletries and sink in the bathroom.Other additional facilities which come with the building is quite complete like swimming pool, ATM, restaurant, children playground, café, fitness center, convenient store, charged laundry.... 詳情
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