惠民 的 酒店格價資訊



」的住宿及訂房資訊 (目前位於34/43頁)





  1. 杭州胤隆會休閑主題酒店

    • 中國 杭州 通惠中路698號 | 距離地鐵站(人民廣場)3.05公里
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  2. 如家酒店(杭州蕭山通惠路火車南站店)(原蕭山通惠路大潤發店)

    • 中國 杭州 通惠中路695號 | 距離地鐵站(人民廣場)3.37公里
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  3. 諾誠酒店(杭州火車南站通惠路店)

    • 中國 杭州 通惠中路669號 | 距離地鐵站(人民廣場)3.07公里
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  4. OYO博羅君悅主題酒店

    • 中國 博羅 羅陽鎮博惠路鶴山湖四座一號,近人民醫院
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  5. 泉州威8時尚酒店(原v8快捷公寓)

    • 中國 惠安 泉州市台商投資區洛陽綜合市場愛民街7幢
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  6. 如家 - 柳州柳南萬達廣場店

    • 航惠路9號(民鑫市場正對面;粥街旁), 柳南區, 柳州, 中國, 545007
    • 如家NEO酒店(柳州柳南萬達廣場店)坐落於柳州市航惠路9號,臨近柳南萬達廣場。周邊有柳南萬達廣場、航惠路美食街、“大潤發“大型連鎖超市、大龍潭風景區及柳州動物園等;公交配套完善,交通便利。酒店周邊生活配套設施齊全,附近有迪斯迪KTV,工商銀行,建設銀行等;酒店步行3分鐘即可到達萬達廣場、金街美食街,且柳州著名的夜宵一“粥街”出門既是。距柳州市禁毒大樓100米;順達通批發市場700米;柳州市南區人民法院1.5公里;柳鐵一中2.1公里;柳州市動物園3.5公里;飛鵝商城3.7公里;大龍潭4A景區3.7公里;柳州站4.4公里。酒店於2018年初完成新品NEO改造升級,以半開放式功能佈局、全新商務風格設計及優越的地理位置為每一位商旅休閒客人營造出細膩溫潤的氛圍及高性價比的住宿體驗。酒店配置有自助洗衣房,能為您在一路舟車勞累中解決洗衣煩惱;同時精緻的30多種早餐也為您第二日的出行提供營養健康的充足保障。酒店所在區域全覆蓋高速WiFi,讓您在入住期間享受高速網路帶來的辦公及休閒暢通無阻。... 詳情
  7. 杭州隨寓青年公寓酒店(原漢泰酒店)

    • 中國 杭州 通惠中路828號(中譽現代城) | 距離 地鐵站:人民廣場2.70km
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  8. 5A公益路商圈適合出差旅遊免費WIFI獨立陽臺洗衣機

    • 西區, 台中市, 台灣
    • #This room is on the 3rd to 5th floor, need to walk the stairs, arrange floors in the order of reservation , please fully know the reservation# Close to the Park Lane by CMP, Gongyi road to famous food and restaurants in Taichung,life functions is very convenient. The placement of the home warm is really a feeling of home. To play, is to sleep so comfortable sweet ^ ^ Privacy of the room, dedicated bathroom, a comfortable double bed, suitable for 2 people, washing machine for free use, dressing table, balcony. Check-in time 17:00pm Check-out time 12:00pm If you exceed the check-in time,please let me know early. Everyone has a set of towels,bath towels,toothbrush and toothpaste.(only available once) . 32' LCD TV with 100 optional TV programs . Independent door lock, independent air conditioning in the room. . Premium soft mattresses, duvets and down pillows. . Intimate small fridge and hair dryer. . Disposable items (toothbrush set) . Towels, bath towels... 詳情
  9. 5B公益路商圈適合出差旅遊免費WIFI獨立陽臺洗衣機

    • 西區, 台中市, 台灣
    • #This room is on the 4th or 5th floor, need to walk the stairs, arrange floors in the order of reservation , please fully know the reservation# Close to the Park Lane by CMP, Gongyi road to famous food and restaurants in Taichung,life functions is very convenient. The placement of the home warm is really a feeling of home. To play, is to sleep so comfortable sweet ^ ^ Privacy of the room, dedicated bathroom, a comfortable double bed,and single bed suitable for 2-3 people, washing machine for free use, dressing table, balcony. Check-in time 17:00pm Check-out time 12:00pm If you exceed the check-in time,please let me know early. Everyone has a set of towels,bath towels,toothbrush and toothpaste.(only available once) . 32' LCD TV with 100 optional TV programs . Independent door lock, independent air conditioning in the room. . Premium soft mattresses, duvets and down pillows. . Intimate small fridge and hair dryer. . Disposable items (toothbrush set) . Towels, bath towels... 詳情
  10. 惠州南崑山喜屋農家樂

    • 中國 龍門 惠州龍門縣南崑山國家森林公園二坑26號.喜屋民宿
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