大分 的 酒店格價資訊



」的住宿及訂房資訊 (目前位於30/249頁)





  1. Annex Kuko

    • 773, Shimobaru, Aki-Machi, Kunisaki City, Oita 873-0231, Japan
    • Accommodating long-term stay at a 5 minute walk from Oita airport as well as the nearest bus stop, this serviced apartment is in close proximity to a convenience store, car rental, laundromat and tennis courts.... 詳情
  2. Kominka Yufu [presented by Vacation Stay]

    • 265-1, Icigi, Shonai-Cho, Yufu City, Oita 879-5404, Japan
    • Situated in mountain village in the heart of Oita, it is the closest Minpaku vacation rental housed in an old folk house to a railroad in Japan so that you can view from its dwelling room, which is irresistible for railfans.... 詳情
  3. 奥宿 無相莊

    • 大分縣由布市湯布院町塚原1240-32
    • 奧宿 無相莊四周環繞著由布院的豐富大自然,離由布院站12 分鐘車程。該旅館提供舒適的住宿環境,沒有過多的顧客服務或打擾。館內設有餐廳、休息茶室、休息酒吧和禮品店。可以在公共浴池和露天浴池中一邊泡湯放鬆,一邊欣賞美景。 全部客房皆非常現代化,配備電視、冰箱和加濕器。部分客房擁有特設露天浴池。有提供網路服務。... 詳情
  4. Long Life Resort Yufuin Bettei

    • 1615-1, Kawakita Momoki, Yufuin-Cho, Yufu City, Oita 879-5114, Japan
    • It is an accommodation that soothes and mellow you down.... 詳情
  5. 由布院溫泉 螢火蟲之宿 仙洞旅館

    • 大分縣由布市湯布院町川上2634-1
    • 位於由布的由布院溫泉 螢火蟲之宿 仙洞旅館距離湯布院站車5分鐘。飯店的客房內均備有免費WiFi。客室內備有浴衣。館内設有露天温泉和前台服務。飯店總客房數:16間。... 詳情
  6. 料亭YAMASA旅館

    • 1785, Ajimumachi Shimoge, Usa-Shi, Oita, 872-0521, Japan
    • Ajimu, Oita's historic Japanese hotel, established in 1921.... 詳情
  7. Guest House Sunline Beppu

    • 2-12-9, Kitahama, Beppu City, Oita 874-0920, Japan
    • It is a Japanese hot spring inn type guest house that offers private as well as dormitory rooms to meet guests' various travel styles.... 詳情
  8. 八丁原景觀酒店

    • 739, Yutsubo, Kokonoe-Machi Kusu-Gun, Oita, 879-4912, Japan
    • Homely traditional Japanese hotel on tablelands surrounded by greenery with stunning views and fine cuisine.... 詳情
  9. Yufuin Club

    • 2952-1 Yufuincho Kawakami, Yufu-Shi, Oita
    • Accepting reservations via Rakuten Travel from September 2022. Perfect location just about five minutes from the popular sightseeing destination, Yunotsubo Kaido Street.... 詳情
  10. 太陽帽

    • 大分縣由布由布院町川上1774-1雛Ata櫻
    • [有關此住宿設施的防病毒措施的信息]與一般酒店不同,沒有可以供不指定人數使用的設施,因此可以安全使用。房間的保洁員打掃房間,進入房間之前,保洁員戴口罩。經常用手觸摸的部分,如禁行開關和電子鎖(或鑰匙)開關,已用酒精仔細消毒。床單和毛巾是用亞麻製成的,這些亞麻在工廠和酒店一樣經過消毒和清潔。在同一站點上有4個獨立的房間。每個房間都有大約14個帶小廚房的榻榻米墊子。每個房間都有自己的露天浴池,淋浴室和衛生間。小廚房裡有炊具,餐具,餐具等。所有四個房間的佈局都相同,並且內部有兩種模式,即日式和西式。... 詳情
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