台灣 的 酒店格價資訊



」的住宿及訂房資訊 (目前位於22/851頁)





  1. 202射手座雙人套房(附小廚房)

    • 台南市, 台南市, 台灣
    • 位於台南市區的全新旅宿,打造溫馨舒適的住宿環境誰說一定要包棟才能煮東西?我們提供一房一廳的寬敞格局每間房內皆配有IH爐、餐具、洗衣機、冰箱讓您能在出遊時,與朋友或另一半可以享受自行料理的晚餐時光鬧中取靜的旅宿,提供旅客一個方便又寧靜的住宿環境充裕的房內設備,讓您有個美好的台南旅行!保證能讓您留下深刻的回憶~... 詳情
  2. Inner Place 隱人生活 - 2F Double Room

    • 台南市, 台南市, 台灣
    • 隱人生活近友愛/國華街口,距保安路、正興街步行約3~5分鐘,小西門、藍晒圖、孔廟、林百貨、神農街約10分鐘內,位於安靜的老巷弄內,走出門又可以立刻接上城市的節奏,是個離塵不離市、相當便利的旅居地點。 這間2樓的雙人獨立套房是一個老屋空間的革新創作,複層設計讓生活與夢境各有各的領域,又不失其互動。這塊夢土上的小宇宙,灰灰泥泥不加多餘的裝飾,好像攀爬就能夠到達,離心裡更近的地方。... 詳情
  3. 標準雙人間 - 獨立衛浴 (Standard Double with Private Bathroom

    • 台南市, 台南市, 台灣
    • 5 minutes to Tainan train station.we are in central Tainan, and nearby a lot of sight see spots.We offer warm services, which will make you feel like at home... 詳情
  4. 慕私旅B - 工業元素雙人房 - 台南/近花園夜市

    • 台南市, 台南市, 台灣
    • The mu hostel , add many innovative elements and create a comfortable space for traveler In the lively West Central Dist., Tainan City , near Tainan Flowers Night MarketIt is a 17-minute walk away from Tainan Railway Station... 詳情
  5. 台南市的3臥室公寓 - 86平方公尺/2間專用衛浴

    • 台南市, 台南市, 台灣
    • Warm welcome!Room A. Bunk bed with two double bed Room B. Double bed roomRoom C. Double bed roomLocated in a popular and central district, within walking distance to:Tainan Train Station for 13min walkingConfucius Temple Shen-nong street for the history of 'Old Port'Hayashi department The apartment has elevator. Kitchen and washing machine we offer towel and free wifi in the apartment. Only a group of guests will rent this space will not be another group received.We're not offer clean up while living 2 days up. if you need help during the stay you can contact house assistant.... 詳情
  6. TIME near Train Staion& Confucius Temple

    • 台南市, 台南市, 台灣
    • Warm welcome!Located in a popular and central district, within walking distance to:Tainan Train Station for 15min walkingConfucius Temple Shen-nong street for the history of 'Old Port'Hayashi department 5 min by walk to the nearest bus stop. -3 min by taxi to Railway station(you can transfer to Tainan HSR station) or coach station.The apartment has elevator, restroom is inside your apartment. There is kitchen(induction cooker, microwave) and terrace.we offer towel, free wifi and washing machine in the apartment. Only a group of guests will rent this space will not be another group received.We're not offer clean up while living 2 days up. if you need help during the stay you can contact house assistant.・Please don't smoke inside.・Please don't be too loud at night.・When you leave the house, please turn off the air conditioner and the lights.・Please check out by AM11:00 o'clock.... 詳情
  7. 慕私旅D第凡內早餐雙人房 - 台南/近花園夜市

    • 台南市, 台南市, 台灣
    • The mu hostel , add many innovative elements and create a comfortable space for traveler In the lively West Central Dist., Tainan City , near Tainan Flowers Night MarketIt is a 17-minute walk away from Tainan Railway Station... 詳情
  8. 台南市的1臥室公寓 - 46平方公尺/1間專用衛浴

    • 台南市, 台南市, 台灣
    • 台南市的1臥室公寓 - 46平方公尺/1間專用衛浴對於想要遊覽台南市風光的旅客,台南市的1臥室公寓 - 46平方公尺/1間專用衛浴是最佳選擇。這裡位於市中心,位置便利,讓您有更多時間探索台南市的一切。 想要體驗道地的台南市嗎?入住距離奇美博物館僅7.4公里的台南市的1臥室公寓 - 46平方公尺/1間專用衛浴,就能輕鬆體驗這座城市最優質的文化。在台南市的1臥室公寓 - 46平方公尺/1間專用衛浴可享高品質客房設施。 為了讓您有更佳的住宿體驗,公寓的部分客房附有空調和送洗服務。 部分精選房型提供有線電視,讓住客享受娛樂。 部分客房浴室提供浴巾、吹風機和盥洗用品,讓您神清氣爽。住宿周邊這是您探索台南市所有景點的大好機會。 赤崁樓距離770公尺,許多旅客千里跋涉拜訪此地,千萬別忘了拍照留念。 您可以前往距離僅840公尺的林百貨挑選特別的禮品或飾品,將台南市之旅永遠銘記在心。... 詳情
  9. 台南市公寓套房 - 30平方公尺/1間專用衛浴

    • 台南市, 台南市, 台灣
    • 台南市公寓套房 - 30平方公尺/1間專用衛浴台南市公寓套房 - 30平方公尺/1間專用衛浴體貼的服務和完善的設備,保證帶給您難忘的住宿體驗。 駕車抵達的客人可以免費停車。所有客房都設計舒適,且附有備品,讓您一夜好眠。 為了讓您有更佳的住宿體驗,公寓的部分客房附有空調和送洗服務。 部分精選房型提供電視和有線電視,讓住客享受娛樂。 部分客房有咖啡機或茶壺供您使用。部分客房浴室提供浴巾、吹風機和盥洗用品,讓您神清氣爽。... 詳情
  10. 喵喵&美魔貓say台南彩繪民宿 - 雙人房

    • 台南市, 台南市, 台灣
    • Conveniently located in the city center with large parking lotThe panoramic terrace offers beautiful viewsThemed rooms have a rich and varied painting styleEuropean-style public space... 詳情
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